• What If it rained money

    Hmm..we all know how important money is to us dont we? I definitely could do with some...Well if it rains money, one thing that would be evident would be that banks would have some big problems..no loans and only people depositing..would be tough on them would it not? But banks will come up with something to eat into your money though..water will also be very scarce(not that its in plenty now) The price for water will be very high maybe even more that of petrol. Seas covered with money..We could be having so much money that....gosh..i can buy anything i want..wow that would be cool aint it??

    But on the other side think about the consequences it would have....More money=More greed=more money=more greed..now this is a cumulative process...we all know pretty well what it can lead to..we are all facing this problem..the problem of money!!!

    What do you think will happen if it rained money?


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